torsdag 12 september 2013

Black Lords of Inefficiency

"In February 1996 when Qtest, the testversion of Quake, was released, I and Andreas Lindström (Goblin) was one of the first to download it. That is about three seconds after it was put up on We had to wait to July for the final release of the shareware version though. During that time we seldom played Qtest, although we now and then used to connect our computers to a LAN for a fragfest. 

I was monitoring the progress in the Quake community in the newsgroups, and The only Swede, except me, I remember participating in the discussions on the newsgroups was Oskar Sandberg (Hobbex), or Oksar Snadberg as the signature said. He was later to be a member of the clan Devil's Advocates, and today he's a member of Crusaders. 

 In August the phenomenon with player groups called Quake-clans was started for real. Originally this was not an idea of id software, clans had emerged by themself. However, id software decided to register "official" Quake-clans at their site. To be an official clan you needed five members, a homepage and a logo. I was keen on the idea of starting a clan, so I took the name "Black Lords of Inefficiency", and started to prepare the rest. 

It's not clear where from the name comes." 

Ovan klippt från historien om BLI. Tidig klan med snygg design och gott självförtroende. Och med en hel del frags förstås.

3 kommentarer:

  1. Mycket intressant läsning överlag och jag hoppas du fortsätter att lägga upp nytt (eller snarare gammalt :D) material!

    Lade upp en blänkade till sidan på samt på och den verkar poppis hos många. :)

  2. Jättekul, tack! Jo, jag tycker det finns en del kul från den här tiden att bevara och sprida vidare :-).
    Roligt med, väldigt bra sajt. Fick en del tips där när jag i våras testade quake igen. Däremot var inte reflexerna så välbehållna, kan man kanske säga.

  3. Kommer ihåg att jag blev helt star struck när jag började studera hösten -97, Gotrek/BLI bodde i min korridor!
