Den första matchen blev en succé och det svenska superlaget spelade flera landskamper under året.
Hösten 1997 (26 oktober tror jag) fick det finländska laget ännu en chans till revansch, men det svenska laget var helt galet brutalt.
Nedan syns oKKuns demo från matchen som är riktigt riktigt bra på banan Death32c.
Förutom oKKun syns flera kändisar från både Sverige och Finland i uppställningen, bland annat Sniket, DOOMer, Paralyzer från Sverige och Blitzer, Spetnaz och Cable från Finland.
Demot är inspelat i qwcl eftersom EzQuake inte stödjer äldre Quakeworld demos (2.0).
Det svenska landslaget skrev själva så här om matchen:
"We got 3 late substitutions because some of the original team didn't show up. Hope this was a one time occasion because it's no good to take in last minute replacements. They aren't as familiar with the tactics.
We started on their server with our setting dmm1. The server was very laggy and all the players had a lot of packetlosses.Ett fantastiskt citat från en av de svenska spelarna (som i teammode gnäller en del p.g.a. all packetloss) är väldigt härligt och bekräftar starkt mitt minne av Quaketiden; "Servern är helt kass - tur att dom suger".
We still managed to win with 892-484. I think the finns had as much problem as us but our tactics really hurt from the crappy server performance. Due to the serverproblem we couldn't play both periods on their server as planned. Instead we got a server on kth which was much better for all players.
It was still far from perfect, internet seemed to be cursed with lag today. :) Now we played dmm3 (all weapons remain) which almost eliminates the need for tactics. Some players said it was a very fun game anyway so it's not all bad with dmm3. We won also this level, now with 1354-1014. the total for both periods was 2246-1498. I didn't play this game so I don't now for sure, but the impressions I have gotten indicates that we played a lot better last time.
Uncertain if it was becasue of better opponenets this time, worse team or bad servers. The truth is probably a mix of more than one."
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